The Practice Notebook

flutist Zara Lawler shares tips on learning music

Lawler & Fadoul


Hello, readers!

This is just a quick post to invite you to check out my other blog, written with my duo partner, marimbist Paul Fadoul.

We have a new website, and you can read our blog here.  We write a lot about what our duo is up to, and you might particularly enjoy our satirical video series, Notes “on” Performance .  Here’s a sample:

posted under Guest Columnists
2 Comments to

“Lawler & Fadoul”

  1. On November 23rd, 2010 at 5:41 pm Lydia Says:

    Sheer Genius. Can I apply this to excerpts?

  2. On November 23rd, 2010 at 7:22 pm admin Says:

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t work if the audition is behind a screen…though I suppose you could slip the score under it.

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